WHAT IS BIRD GUARD There are many species of birds that cause complications in HVAC system. Out of all these species pigeons are usual to cohabit with the human being by nesting in houses. In urban areas where trees are less in numbers, birds have less any other option than to cohabit in home which...
Archives: Services
Pleated Furnace Filter
WHAT IS PLEATED FILTER? A Pleated Filter is a combination of polyester sheet, paper and cotton folded into pleats to enhance the whole exterior area. Pleated Filter can increase the indoor air quality by trapping much more airborne particles such as dirt, dust hair of human and pets which can disquiet the smooth functioning of...
WHAT IS HUMIDIFIER What a humidifier can do? this is a very common question, most of the home owner do not about its benefits. Among many its merits, one a very common benefit is that once it installed it has a year around benefits in summer and winter. In winter it due to low humidity...
Hepa Filter
WHAT IS A HEPA FILTER? HEPA is an acronym that stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air, air purifier or other implementation, come with many benefits and claims. The Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology dictates that a HEPA filter must trap 99.97% of particulates 0.3 microns or larger. This does not mean that the filter...
Dryer Lint Alarm
DLA is an alarm unified by two components i.e. temperature sensor and airflow. It is an early warning system that alerts you that air has been obstructed in dryer vent. It enhances safety by monitoring the exhaust dryer vent. Alarming sensors attaché at the back of the dryer machine to monitor ongoing exhaust air flow...
WHAT IS HRV? In the modern world there are many advancements and improvements in home or building. As compared to the building practices, homes are more air tighter. That creates problem for home residents— limited amount of fresh air circulation throughout the home. To curb out such problem for home residents Heat Recovery Ventilator (“HRV”)...